Positive Reviews
Guestrooms: Extremely Roomy and Equipped
Guests mentioned that one of the aspects that they love about the hotel guestrooms are the size. Travellers remarked that they're rather spacious and the layout provides lots of space to move around. Furthermore, they also stated the cleanly guestrooms provide a living area and kitchenette so guests can have all the favourite amenities you find home. In addition, the beds also earned praise for being comfortable.
Polite English-speaking Staff
Visitors remarked that the staff here are friendly and warm to visitors, but also speak fluent English so communication was rarely ever an issue for them. From the front desk to the housekeeping service, everyone seems to pull together to make sure visitors have a comfortable stay.
Ideal Location for Medellin Travellers
Guests remarked that this area is quite popular with those seeking upscale attractions. There are a number of shopping malls, restaurants and nightclubs that are within walking distance of the hotel according to travellers, which made things incredibly convenient. For those individuals looking to stay at equality, economic hotel in the El Poblado district, prior visitors mentioned that this hotel is a fine choice.
Negative Reviews
Hotel Could Improve On-Site Amenities
Visitors mentioned that the lack of a swimming pool was rather annoying, particularly for those who are traveling with families since they would've liked something for the children to do. Other visitors added that the fitness centre isn't very large and it could use more equipment.
No Issues Reported
So far, no recent negative opinion has been expressed by guests about this hotel.
No Issues Reported
So far, no recent negative opinion has been expressed by guests about this hotel.